I was assigned to sewing in high school two semesters in error and was never assigned food technology so I always say that I sew better than I cook for good reason. My grandmother was a great sewist but I don't remember her at all. My Mum was busy raising 5 children and didn't make time to sew though I remember her sewing machine.

My brothers and sisters put in together to buy me a sewing machine for my 25th birthday but honestly I was afraid to use it. When my best friend was due to have her first baby I wanted to make a quilt for her. I borrowed patchwork tools from my husband's Nan and looked up youtube for all the answers. I spent months and learnt a lot, and my best friend treasured it.

It was a giant quilt as I had not really considered the finished size, it had every letter of the alphabet cross stitched with a little pic (like A with an apple) and I ran out of time so my mum and sisters helped finish the last letters which was even more special to my best friend who has no sisters.

I have sewn most days since, that was in January 2010.

I prefer to sew to my family's needs and I always try to remember to add pockets. My son went through a phase of disliking hoods on clothing and I could not find jumpers for sale without them so I made him enough to get through that winter. I have tall kids and I add length to the bodice every time. I found the standard gusset width on girls' underwear was inadequate for the size, not age appropriate for their behaviour, and so I make undies with a wider gusset for my daughter.

I also crochet a little in recent years as I prefer it to hand sewing and it is portable. My cousin taught me to crochet and I get a lot of patterns and inspiration from Pinterest.

I enjoy the ability to customise things and foster the love of fabrics and colours. I have been through patchwork, bag making, softie toys. Mostly these days I do practical handmade gifts for teachers like rope baskets and garment making for family and gifts, but also for myself.

Cassie and her daughter often wear matching outfits

I refuse to replace zippers but I love most other things. I happily take up pants and replace buttons for close friends and family. It is very easy for me and so appreciated by them. Some people think it's a dying art but it is just morphing with online.

If you want to find out more about Cassie and the beautiful projects that she does, you can find her on any social media platform as cassthecoolest.

To find out more about the Sewists and their space project or to be included in the project, join my "Sewists and their space" Facebook group or contact me.