I work part time in a sewing machine shop. I have been learning about servicing sewing machines and how they work and it is fascinating stuff. I read a lot - mainly science fiction, fantasy and horror. I collect halloween stuff - lots of ceramic pumpkins, bats, cats and witchy stuff. I would love to live on a farm with a cottage garden full of flowers like my nana used to have and a huge vegetable garden because I love the idea of growing my own food. On that farm would be every animal I could rescue including a black pygmy goat. I'm not sure how my cat Nimbus would go with a goat though.
"I've been quilting for almost 18 years, mainly making quilts as commission pieces for magazines. I grew up with an upholsterer father who taught me a love of sewing and working/creating with your hands."
Quilting means to me an outlet - it's my sanity and my therapy. It's always been there for me and has helped me find my groove in life. I cannot imagine myself doing anything else.
I'm not sure exactly how old I was when I first started sewing, but I learnt hand-embroidery from my nan - grub roses on a face washer. The majority of the things I learnt was from my dad who was an upholsterer and then when I started working in a patchwork shop I learnt from the girls there.
I make quilts because my head is full of ideas and honestly the only way to get them out and get some peace is to make them. I make some for people, but mainly to teach or sell the finished quilt. I used to make commissioned projects for magazines. I did that for about 10 years and have designed hundreds of projects.
The strangest thing for me in all of my quilting adventures is because of my magazine work I became a teeny bit famous. Super weird to my introvert self. I've been recognised a few times, usually at craft shows.
How much time do you spend sewing in a typical week?
"There’s 168 hours in a week, minus sleep, eating, showering and travel, my other job and downtime... well I try to cram in as much as possible, but at least 24-30 hours."
What sewing accessory can you not live without and why?
"Charlie - he's my long-arm quilting machine. I can't live without him because he's increased my output massively and helped me find what I really love doing. Quilting."
Do you have any sewing tips to share?
Don't throw all your money into ALL the expensive gadgets when you first start. Buy decent but cheap so if you decide sewing isn't for you then you haven't blown too much money on things. Learn from someone reputable and learn well.